Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sometimes you gotta tell your friend's stories

I am posting this one early because I am getting ready to go see my grandkids.

I came across a story that was told by a high school classmate. I have know this guy for since we were kids. He worked as a Special Agent for The United States Treasury Department. He always was a lot of fun. This is a story that he told and I just had to repeat it.. This is a true story, nobody could make this up. Here's the story, enjoy.

I left the Senator in the turn

U.S. Senator John Tower from Texas was a very powerful man. He stood about 5'7" but was huge in political stature in the Washington Beltway and in the Lone Star State. Senator Tower was the ranking Republican U.S. Senator on the Senate Committee on Armed Services (Ninety-seventh and Ninety-eighth Congresses); appointed a member of the United States arms negotiation team in Geneva, Switzerland, by President Ronald Reagan 1985; chairman, President’s Special Review Board (“Tower Commission”) 1987; appointed Secretary of Defense in 1989 by President George Bush but not confirmed; chairman, President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board 1989; was a resident of Dallas, Texas, until his death in a plane crash near Brunswick, GA, April 5, 1991.

Needless to say Senator Tower was very important and as I learned later had a good sense of humor and understood practical jokes. His office in downtown Houston was located in the Federal Building on the sixth floor down the hallway from my office. I was a rookie Special Agent with the U.S. Treasury Department during 1981, and my partner was the orginal practical joker, Wayne-Bob. Now there was a "Men's Restroom" at the end of this hallway that wasy right across from Senator Tower's office.

All the guys in our office used it as did others that had offices on this hallway. Wayne-Bob was in this restroom one day when I went to use it and as I stepped into the 1-stall room I had a funny feeling that Wayne-Bob, who was standing at the urinal, was up to something. As Wayne-Bob departed the restroom and me in the stall, the lights went out. Now if this has ever happened to you while you're "doin' your business", it can be a little scary. Oh, I yelled and cursed Wayne-Bob for several minutes in the dark while I was not my pants up and short-stepped over to the lightswitch by the door. I was ready for some pay-back.

Yeah, I told Wayne-Bob that he got me good but I survived. I downplayed it with him and refused to talk about it. I was biding my time and watching him like a hawk.

We all knew what Senator Tower looked like and would see him on the elevators in the building from time to time. He seemed friendly and would acknowledge our presence if one of us spoke to him. We also noted that he liked his black cowboy boots and it seemed like he wore them all the time. Wayne-Bob wore black cowboy boots, too.

Then the day came when Wayne-Bob leaves the office and I suspect he is headed to the "Men's Restroom" and I wait a couple of minutes and then I head for the restroom also. Now was the time to strike!

I get to the restroom and step inside. Wayne-Bob is in the stall and I can see his black cowboy boots and slacks pulled down. A grin creeps across my face as I yell, "Good-night Wayne-Bob!", and hit the lightswitch on my way out of the restroom. I stop outside and laugh to myself a self-satifying belly laugh...and then around the corner comes... Wayne-Bob?

NOOOOOOOO! It can't be. Wayne-Bob was in the restroom.

Wayne-Bob walks up to me and asks what's so funny. I stare at him and whip around to look at the door to the restroom and...yes, I mean no, it can't be. Senator Tower walks out through the door and walks right up to both of us in the hallway. I swallow my tongue almost and Wayne gets a shit-eating grin on his face as Senator Tower looks at us and says, "You boys like to have a little fun every now and then?" Well, yes, I mean no...oh hell what's the right answer. Senator Tower just smiles and walks off chuckling to himself.

Wayne-Bob figured out what happened and told everyone about the practical joke I did on Senator Tower. I survived...

The man could take a joke. Thank God!

1 comment:

Dave M. said...

That's hilarious, Mike!