Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Pistol Pete the Anteater

Two years ago last January, I stopped at a local Petsmart to get some kitty litter. Highly unusual for me to stop there. It just happened to be close. Carla stayed in the truck while I went in. While coming towards the checkout, I passed the pens of little dogs that were rescued from the local shelter. I leaned over to pet one and he jumped into my hands.

I put him back down and checked out. While I was leaving the parking lot, I told Carla about this dog that had jumped into my hands. She said: "Stop, I want to see that dog". We had to put our old dog to sleep about 7 months prior to this visit to Petsmart.

When Carla saw the dog, it was love at first sight. I've got to say that he is a great dog, even if he is a mama's boy. She carries him around the house every morning. He get more vitamins than we do. And he doesn't eat dog food. Sometimes I feel like my grandfather. Pistol like chicken and I often cook chicken for him.

Well anyway, Pistol hates ants among other things. When we are sitting out back on the porch, he lies by Carla. Every time he sees an ant he goes and eats it. It is funny to watch, because half the time he dancing trying to eat that ant.

Anyway, here's Pistol Pete the Anteater.

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